Interview: Mike Paolucci, The Founder Of Space-viewing Service, Slooh

In honor of the LCROSS impact we talked to founder Mike Paolucci about his telescope system and his mission to bring astronomical content to a wider audience. Slooh streamed the LCROSS impact live this morning.
Tell me about Slooh.There was a time when the only option for star gazing was paying around $2000 for a backyard telescope. But, Slooh is offering an innovative way for space enthusiasts to control multi-million dollar telescopes for about 10 cents a minute.
Slooh provides consumers of all ages an unparalleled opportunity to explore space live by taking control of mountaintop telescopes situated throughout the world with their Mac or PC. The Web-based program offers live viewings of outer space, 24-hours a day through powerful telescopes located in Europe, Chile and Australia. The Slooh concept is changing the way we think about space discoveries, as anyone now has the capability to discover a comet! Slooh’s patented technology makes celestial images appear like Polaroids during 5 minute “missions.” These images can be saved, altered and shared in a person’s mission log.
Slooh Kids organizes themed mission packs, which present an experience in a broader context and provides a storytelling component with a beginning, middle and end.
Slooh has been operating since 2004 and sells online and at retail stores (activity books which include time on the telescopes), as of this year at ToysRus, Barnes & Noble, and many others. More...

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