PayPal Android App To Get Photo-Based Check Depositing Today

Back in October of last year, PayPal tucked a fancy new trick into their iPhone app: Photo-based Check Depositing (or, as they call it, “Mobile Check Capture”.) You know the idea: snap a picture of a check’s front and back, the money automagically appears in your account, and you’ve saved yourself a trip to the ATM (and, more importantly, avoided going out into that nasty, nasty sunlight.)

Since this feature was rolled out, we’re told they’ve been seeing right around a million bucks per month come in via this route — and yet, the iPhone app has thus far been the only version to get it.

That ends today, it seems. Later this morning, PayPal will be announcing and releasing a new version of their Android app, complete with Mobile Check Capture. Oh, and for all the folks out there who can just never seem to find enough on-device storage space: this latest build also supports “Move To SD Card”. Take that, having-to-go-outside!

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