A fake ad for colorful ‘iPhone 6s’ has shown up on YouTube

While Apple has not yet announced the iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus, that hasn’t stopped someone from making an ad all about Apple’s next smartphone.
While the description of the video uploaded to YouTube recently tries to indicate that the ad is a “video from an Apple Office,” and, for whatever reason, tries to pass itself off as something official from the Cupertino-based company, it’s an obviously fake ad with more similarities to older iPod commercials than anything iPhone related. Especially with Apple’s most recent iPhone ads.
The video itself is actually put together well enough, for what it’s worth, and it’s a fun watch. Unfortunately, while the video showcases plenty of iPhone 5c-inspired colors, there’s actually no space gray or gold option in this alternate future.
Check the user-created ad below.

For the rest of us, we’ll have to wait until September to see the next iteration within the iPhone lineup, with September 9 the expected media event date.

Are you looking forward to the iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus?