Sketchy report claims Apple is planning to launch 5-inch iPhone 6s with Full HD display

Apple is planning to add a third smartphone to its iPhone 6s lineup which will include a 5-inch Full HD display, according to a new report, citing Foxconn insiders. The handset’s size will make it an ideal option for those who find the existing iPhone 6 too small, and the iPhone 6 Plus too big.

The sketch above, which was published today by G for Gamesreportedly depicts the new 5-inch iPhone, which is expected to look just like the iPhone 6 — only bigger.

“Accordingly, the smartphone will pack an 8 MP camera complemented by a dual-LED flash, and will rock a full HD 5-inch display, powered by an A9 processor,” the report reads.

That would make it a big upgrade over the iPhone 6, with a sharper display and a faster processor. However, if these claims are true, it means the 5-inch device will not get the same camera upgrade as the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, which are expected to get new 12-megapixel Sony sensors.

It seems like this would be somewhat confusing to many Apple customers — especially as the device will look so similar to the 4.7-inch iPhone 6s — and with that being the case, we recommend taking these claims with a pinch of salt.

While it is possible that Apple will launch a new iPhone 6c this year, the device is rumored to be smaller than the iPhone 6s with a 4-inch display, and could carry a more affordable design and specifications, like the iPhone 5c. It almost certainly won’t have a Full HD display and an A9 chip.

Apple will announce its new iPhones at a keynote scheduled for September 9, according to a recent report, so we’ll find out more about its plans then.
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