PollPigeon – Create & Share Most Popular Polls or Pick A Poll and Vote

Poll Pigeon is a web site where polls can be taken or created and shared. It needs a sign up with an email id or can be connected through Twitter or Facebook. This gives the access to take a poll or create a poll and share it.

After signing up, go to create a poll tabs and create a poll. There is a question bar to add the question. There is an option of uploading an image. The options can range from two to twenty. To add more options there is an add answer icon. Finally there is a choice of language and category, under addition information to promote your poll. My created poll tab has the polls you have created.

There are categories under which the polls are placed. While creating polls, there is an option of what category the poll might possibly belong. These categories include celebs, Disney, fashion, politics, sports, technology and random (those which do not belong to any particular category).

To vote on these polls, click on the tab that interests you the most and pick a poll and vote. There are ‘pigeon points’ to bid for your poll to be promoted to 235,000 followers. It gives 1 Pigeon Point for every poll you take (max 200 per day) and 1 Pigeon Point for every person that takes one of your polls (max 200 per day). These pigeon points can be bought through Paypal or credit card. Poll Pigeon is fun to spend sometime taking and making polls.

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