Samsung Galaxy Tabs 8.9 and 10.1 Are Official

Samsung just announced their two new Galaxy Tabs, the 8.9 and the 10.1. Both are just 8.6 millimeters thick and support 4G and WiFi. Click through to watch the live video launch of these two Honeycomb tablets (with TouchWiz on top).

The new tablets have “HD displays” and Samsung is moving into more services like something called ReadersHub, an ebook solution for the Gal Tabs, and MusicHub, a music solution. It has 3 megapixel rear camera and a 2 megapixel and supports Adobe Flash 10.2.

Both have WXGA 1280×800 pixel displays (compared to the iPad 2s 1024 x 768 display). The GalTab 10.1 is available in 16GB and 32GB for $499 and $599, respectively. The 8.9 will cost 16GB for $469 and 32GB is $569, both in Wi-Fi. The 10.1 is available June 8 while the 8.9 will be available in early summer. It looks like the Xoom has a competitor.

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